Monday, November 29, 2010

Question & Answer #3

  1. Do you prefer being outside or inside?
  2. What is your dream vacation spot?
  3. Do you prefer football or basketball?
  4. Do you like the winter months?
  5. What is the number one item on your christmas list?
My Answers:
  1. Inside in the winter. Outside in spring.
  2. Atlantis
  3. Football
  4. Sometimes......
  5. Genna De Rossi Purse
What are your answers??? Please tell me about them in the comment section!!!

By: Thomas Kinkade


  1. I love your questions and answers. I really like the Thomas Kinkade picture, that is one of my favorites.

  2. Thank you, I love this Thomas Kinkade picture also. I picked this one because it is time for Christmas cheer and I love the snowman!!!!

  3. My answers to your questions...
    1. The older I get the more I would rather be inside. I do like to go out every now and then though.
    2. Mountains
    3. Football
    4. Only when it's really hot outside.
    5. SLR Camera
