Monday, November 29, 2010

Question & Answer #3

  1. Do you prefer being outside or inside?
  2. What is your dream vacation spot?
  3. Do you prefer football or basketball?
  4. Do you like the winter months?
  5. What is the number one item on your christmas list?
My Answers:
  1. Inside in the winter. Outside in spring.
  2. Atlantis
  3. Football
  4. Sometimes......
  5. Genna De Rossi Purse
What are your answers??? Please tell me about them in the comment section!!!

By: Thomas Kinkade

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Deathly Hallows Part 1 Review

First Movie Review!!!!  Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

This movie was very good. I really enjoyed the action, the creatures, everything!! This movie had a great balance of adventure, mystery, and fun. Of course it is not as good as the book. This movie is for all ages but I do say that if you have a child that is under the age of 5 or 6 to be aware there are some parts that are scarier than others. I will say, also that there are some sad parts my mom started to cry. Of course that was a little embarrassing. Harry, Ron, and Hermione go on an equiste and adventure-filled journey to find horcruxes. They run into tons of obticles along the way. They have to destroy the horcruxes, kill you-know-who, and still survive along the way. This movie I would recomend for ages over 6, and for anyone looking for a great movie.
If you have seen the movie comment and tell me what you thounght of it!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Daddy Is Retired

My daddy is retired from the Navy. He was in the Navy for 20 years. He is AWESOME!!!!!!

At my dad's ceremony. Also daddy's retirement cake.
Thank you Daddy for all you have done for this country!!!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pointe Class

I starting taking pointe class about 3 weeks ago. I love it and hate it at the same time. I love it because it looks really pretty, I am not the bad at it, and I get some bragging rights. I hate it because it hurts....a lot.

The Pointe Shoes: Pointe shoes are very unique. They have a wooden box at the bottom of the shoe with fabric around it. It is pretty flexible ( excluding the wooden part ) with nice silk-like fabric and the sole is pretty bendable. Pointe shoes come in a variety of different colors. You can also paint them with a spray or brush. There are a variety of brands you can choose from with different sizes and shapes. They are a very pretty outcome but are a pain, literally.

The Class: Pointe class is very hard and awkward at first. It is like you have to start all over with ballet. I am going into my fourth week and can't do a turn yet. But that is OK. ( it is HARD ) I am trying my best and that is what counts. You have to be warm before you go onto full pointe, because if you don't you can hurt or break something in your ankle, foot, leg, etc. Pointe class is dangerous but is very beautiful.

If you think about taking pointe class do these things first:
Make sure you have at least 3 years of Ballet classes.
You have some-what of an arch in your foot. ( a curve )
You have a lot of ankle strength
You are mentally ready for it, to be able to work hard and practice a lot.
Be able to endure the pain that comes along with it.