Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Question & Answer #2

1. Do you like playing games on the computer?
2. What is you favorite sports team?
3. What is your favorite color?
4. Do you play a sport?
5. If you could describe yourself in three
    words what would they be?

My Answers:
1. Yes
2. Carolina Panthers  (NFL)
3. Green
4. Yes, Dance  ( Yes it is a sport!!! )
5. Creative, Fun, Shy

Please Answer My Questions!!!!!!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

AOL or Yahoo?

AOL or Yahoo. These websites have been in struggle since the beginning. These two sites are similar ,and usually show the same things. I will list some things about each site:
AOL:Aol shows the weather, recent news, advirtisements, radio, AIM, e-mail, local news, buisness news, sports news, tips, videos, articles, pictures, and whats hot.
Yahoo:Yahoo shows mail, autos, dating, fantasy sports, finance, games, horoscopes, hot jobs, maps, messangers, movies, music, gossip, shopping, sports, travel, updates, weather, advirtisements, pictures, videos, and local news.
(These things are found just on the front page that were easy to spot)
Which site would use?
If you want to do your own investigating go to:
 For AOL investigating
For Yahoo investigating

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Believe it or not Halloween is just around the corner!!! It is only about two weeks from now. I am going to wear Marti Gras themed clothing. Do you know what you are going to wear? Are you going to dress up? I am going trick or treating but I am going to be in Myrtle Beach, SC. So I am Trick or Treating on broadway at the beach!!!!!! It is going to be so much fun!!!!! Are you trick or treating? If so where? (Just say like your street or state not specific house numbers please!) My favorite part about Halloween is the candy. (of course!!!) It is also fun to dress up and scare people. But most of the time my costumes are not very scary. I am usually the one getting scared.


I have done some things a little different the past week to my blog. I have set up a song of the week instead of quote. I have been changing my currently reading a lot this past week. Also I am setting up a new poll so please vote!!!! I have also been changing the design of my blog. Do you like the new look?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Question & Answer #1

1. Do you own a pet?
2. How many books do you read in a week?
3. What is your favorite song?
4. What are you going to be for Halloween?
5. What is your favorite type of candy?

My Answers
1. Yes, Two dogs and one fish.
2. 3
3. Breakeven By the Script
4. A marti gras person
5. 3 Muskateers

Please answer the questions In the comment section!!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mrs.Thompson's Class

Y'all may have heard me talk about Mrs.Thompson before but this post is all about her class. Mrs.Thompson is really nice but she has rules of course. Every now and then we would have a quiz or test but a lot of the time we have a lot of fun. For example yesterday we sang the turlte song. A this song, I have to say, is AWESOME!!!!!!! It goes like this: My turtle swims sideways, your turtle swims upside down, my turtle swims sideways, your turtle is dead!!!! It is sorta violent but hilarious song. Did you sing songs in your ELA class? We sing, we dance, we read and write just like everybody else but with a twist. We have daily routine that switches from time to time. We first copy down the word of the day. For this we copy the word,part of speech, definition, and the example. These words are optional but they are extra credit on some test. After that we do our M.U.G sentences. These are sentences that need to be fixed. We do stuff like puctuation, capitalization and verb tense, etc. We do one each day and turn them in at the end of the week for a grade. Now this next part is about the all mighty mountain flipper. The mountain flipper is a study guide that we use for our vocabulary words. They are very effective for me anyway on my tests and quizes. They are really easy to use too. Do you have a study tool that you like to use? I love them and so do other people in my class. How is your ELA class at your school? And if your not in school anymore how was your old english classes? Did you enjoy them? I enjoy my class very much!!!! All I have to say is that Mrs.Thompson's class rocks!!!!! :)